Fees & pricing

Understand our transparent pricing structure for various dental treatments. Andrew Thomas Dental Care is committed to providing quality dental care that is accessible and affordable.

New Patient Consultation (including x-rays)£100
Routine Examination£54
Standard Hygienist Visit£85
Enhanced Hygienist Visit£115
Radiographs (x-rays)£25, 2 for £40, 3+ for £50
Composite (White) Filling£125 - £195
Root Canal Treatment£425 - £695
Crown£715 - £775
Invisalign Braces*On request
Vivera Orthodontic Retainers (3 set)£399
Essix Retainers (1 set)£199
Enlighten Tooth Whitening£595
Boutique Tooth Whitening£399
Single Tooth Internal Bleaching£100, then £350, then £125 per visit thereafter
Single Arch Full Acrylic Denture£895
Upper and Lower Full Acrylic Denture£1500
Single Arch Partial Acrylic Denture£725
Upper and Lower Partial Acrylic Denture£1250
Single Arch Cobalt-Chrome Partial Denture£1250
Upper and Lower Cobalt-Chrome Partial Dentures£1950
New Patient Emergency Visit Fee£100
Re-cement Crown or Bridge£75-100
Extractions£125 - £250

*If single arch treatment is possible and appropriate, you will be quoted separately

A written estimate is always provided.

Children’s fees are generally about 50% of the full adult prices (with the exception of Invisalign, mouthguards, dentures, and crowns/veneers).

Get in touch

We typically respond within 24 hours.